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To Save Money

Electricity Optimizer App

The Electricity Optimizer app is a super easy-to-use tool to save money on your household's electricity expenses.Decrease your electricity consumption and have smaller electricity bills. With this app, you can save real money in your household. Electricity saving is made fun and easy. The app is made for families and singles who want to save money.


In app you can:

  • Add your households devices

  • Use the list of devices and their power consumption

  • Create your own devices

  • Classify your devices into categories (rooms)

  • Input your electricity bills and follow how those evolve from a graph

  • Browse electricity-saving tips and mark those to be done

  • Edit your profile (e.g. your currency, electricity price, and household type)

  • Analyze all in the super easy-to-understand dashboard

The super clear electricity consumption dashboard shows you:

  • the most power-consuming devices

  • the most power-consuming spaces/rooms in your house

  • how your electricity bills evolve

  • the most costly rooms in your household

  • how many electricity-saving tips have you done

  • etc.

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How to get?

You can get the app from the AppStore and Play store. Just search Electricity optimizer app.

Need support?

We take support requests only via email. The support email is

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